The series “Floating existence” was captured in the city of Bethlehem. Living in Bethlehem has been always very challenging for me as a photographer, where the tragic reality of the region prevails, and its history haunts the scene. It feels as if the infinate enigma of time is sparked by the powerful presence of the past and its reverberations on the place, on its people and its pilgrims. While photography is all about freezing a moment in time ,here it seems as if the time floats between the past and the present, as if all its tensed are interwined and its multilayered nature is intensified.  “Floating existence” is about the the collective human memory, the floating human existence in life, and our fragile passage in time.

© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography
© Fadwa Rouhana | Journal of Urban Photography


About the author:  Fadwa Rouhana is a Palestinian self-taught photographer born in Haifa and living in Bethlehem.  Her photographic work had developed though her own experimental efforts in a long journey with the camera. Being raised in a place shattered by hurdles and injustice, the camera became an existential necessity, her asset to connect to a reality that had always rendered her estranged and alienated, as a woman and as a human being.

Photography is her own way to contemplate life and its meaning, how people are living it, their hopes and their hardships, their relation with their place and their environment, with their past and with their reality. It is her way to understand the whole human experience and to find her place inside it. Her work has been shown in Venice, Milan, New York, Sharja, and other places, and it has been featured in numerous international fine art and photography magazines and platforms.

web: www. fadwarouhana.com 

IG: @Fadwa_Rouhana


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