Aram Tanis has recently completed a captivating series of works that delve into the subtle intricacies of Las Vegas. While many perceive this desert city to be a world of bright lights and sprawling casinos, Tanis opted to venture beyond the glittering glamour of The Strip to capture the city’s hidden corners that are rarely seen by tourists. His project, named Off The Strip, is a testament to his unique artistic vision and ability to showcase the emptiness of the city’s suburbs through fleeting glimpses from an American muscle car. Tanis’ photographs portray the stark reality of the suburban neighborhoods that exist beyond the dazzling facade of The Strip. The modest condos, wire fences, and back alleys that often go unnoticed are brought to life by Tanis’ masterful photography. Despite the palm trees that still stand, these suburbs convey a sense of isolation and tranquility that contrast sharply with the bustling energy of The Strip. Tanis’ evocative imagery offers a glimpse into the hidden underbelly of Las Vegas, revealing the city’s backstage and providing a refreshing perspective on the world-renowned destination.
Tanis’ passion for creating art lies in his desire to forge connections with people and places. His work reflects both his personal story and the world at large, capturing the essence of the human experience through his unique perspective.

Aram Tanis
Aram Tanis is born in Seoul, South-Korea and works in Amsterdam. In Aram Tanis’ work he describes and researches people and societies on the basis of the cities they build and inhabit. In his work, urban landscapes, people, animals and objects are symbols of what happens in our world and how we adapt to the changes. ‘Isolation’ and ‘anonymity’ are important themes within Tanis’ work, but also make people aware of certain things they often overlook. Tanis exhibited all around the world including at Kunstverein für Rheinlande und Westfalen (Düsseldorf / DE), Siemens Sanat (Istanbul / TR), Frontviews (Berlin / DE), Gallery Korea (New York / USA), Ginza Graphic Gallery (Tokyo / JP), Witte de With (Rotterdam / NL), Misulsegye Gallery (Seoul / KR) and Frankfurter Kunstverein (Frankfurt / DE). Besides exhibiting his work Aram Tanis also curates shows, creates photo books and works in assignment.
IG: @aramtanis / WEB: