LOST AT SEA | Marco Bartolozzi

While the bathing establishments rest silently the sea is a waiting of promise under the warmth of the first sun.

“Lost at Sea” is a photographic investigation of the silent waiting for life to return to coastal resorts, as well as a reflection on the beauty and tranquillity of these places now stripped of their summer chaos. Through my photographs, I show the metamorphosis of noisy and populated places into spaces of solitude and serenity.

The sea is the silent protagonist that links the different moments of the project, symbolizing the cyclical nature of time. Each shot represents a window of time, inviting the viewer to reflect on the metaphysical dimension of time and waiting dimension of time and waiting, in which one can get lost, but also find oneself when it all opens up again. “Lost at Sea” captures the essence of waiting and uncertainty that we have and uncertainty that we have experienced in recent times.  I invite the viewer to reflect on the transience of life, the resilience of life, and the resilience of the places we love.


© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography
© Marco Bartolozzi | Journal of Urban Photography

Marco Bartolozzi is an Italian artist and photographer who has always used performance and photography to investigate contemporary social dynamics. From the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, where he graduated, Marco has channeled his passion for art and photography into works that explore complex contemporary social dynamics. His artistic vision transforms the every day into a unique visual narrative, capturing the essence of often overlooked but highly relevant moments and situations. He has several exhibitions in Italy and abroad, in galleries and exhibition centers.

Web: marcobartolozzi.wixsite.com/fotografia
IG: @storiesfrom35mm



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