Using both personal photographs and public domain archival images as raw materials, Young radically decontextualizes and transmutes these forms, immersing the viewer in a world where the utility of the image is dissolved and new, evocative meanings can emerge.  Through a layered process of dramatic recomposition, physical print manipulation, and rephotography, Young unravels an intensely emotional and associative narrative that explores what it feels like to live in an era marked by rampant militarization, technological hyper violence, and unrelenting ecological devastation.

© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography
© J.A. Young | Journal of Urban Photography

A monograph of this project will be released in September 2024, and it is now available for preorder from Zone.

J.A. Young is a photographer / multi-media artist based in Asheville, N.C. Their work draws on a range of influences, including cultural anthropology, world mysticism, the occult, and paranormal phenomena. Using both personal photographs and public domain archival images as raw materials, Young employs various methods (e.g., physical print experimentation, dramatic recomposition, collage, and rephotography) to transform subtle feelings into tangible visual expressions.

WEB: jayoung.work

IG: www.instagram.com/_ja_youn_g


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